Friday, February 10, 2012

Pre-Juice Fast: Only one day away (Molly)

Whew, is it really almost Saturday already? Then it'll be Sunday only 24 hours after that. Shee-it. Juice Day. J-Day. The day to end all days.

OK, not really.

Today and yesterday made me worried about how preoccupied I'll be with food over the next two weeks. I know Courtney is excited about this cleanse as a way to free herself from having to think about food, but it feels like just the opposite for me ... I'm not even in the juice phase yet, and at work, I found myself anxiously awaiting noon and 6 p.m. not because it meant a break/the end of the workday, but because I got to eat. I guess I snack more than I realized, because it shouldn't be that hard to go 6 hours without food. That's not that long.

Anyway. Today, my coworker brought me her juicer to borrow (then told me I could keep it, because her husband never used it) so I tried it out to make sure it worked. It does! Here is my first juice:

And here's what I learned so far:

1) Juice during the day. It makes a horrible noise that my neighbors probably hate.
2.) Cut produce up small. Maybe this is just my juicer's "feed tube," but it did not like having slightly large apple slices pushed down it.
3.) Add lemon to EVERYTHING. I made a cucumber-apple-ginger juice tonight, and it felt very medicinal or something until I squeezed some lemon into it.
4.) Juice is a dish best served cold. I think I would gag if it were room temp.
5.) Wear blinders to the store. Seriously. I had to walk past all the candy to get to the produce section and then up to the register when I went to buy the apples and cucumber. DAMN YOU, VALENTINE'S DAY! (Though my friend pointed out tonight that once our juice fast is done, all that V-Day candy will be on sale.) (No! I will resist!) (We'll see.)

Also: I found a great quote on Pinterest that I shall try to live by: "If you're not willing to eat vegetables, then you're not really hungry — just craving."

OK, 24 hours of solid food left ...

— molls

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