Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Juice Fast Day 4: Truckin' along (molly)

So I have a very in-depth blog post from Day 2, during which I experienced my low point post-hot yoga, but by the time I'd finished writing it at home, my Internet had gone out. Maybe I should take one of those 3-a-day phone calls from Charter & tell them to improve my service (I ignore them every time; they're acting like a clingy ex-boyfriend). So that's on my laptop; I'll post it whenever I get Internet back. Incidentally, my bill for Charter just came, and it's higher than it ought to be, so I am peeved.

But anyway. Today is Day 4. I'm thinking tomorrow will be the first big milestone; 5 days seems somehow legitimate. Everything until then is build-up.

It's going well so far, I think. Headaches are still gone, I'm feeling more on-the-ball at work, and I've lost several pounds (probably not in the way that will stay off, but it's nice just the same).

The juicing process is still exhausting to me. I need to start chopping up all the vegetables the night before, so I don't feel so panicked and rushed during my lunch hour. Also, I need to bring my sharp knives to Courtney's house. I sliced 3 fingers in one swipe the other night, and they still hurt like hell.

Yesterday's dinner juice had beets in it. Blech. I guess it wasn't that bad — nothing comes close to that glutathione nastiness, with the tomatoes — but it took me a long time to finish. Very strong taste. But it was pretty, I guess? Somehow our lunch and dinner juices on Valentine's Day just happened to be pink. Huh.

The cravings and temptations are still there. I went to hot yoga again last night (but it was just Yin, not Hatha, so it was very slow and relaxing) and got back to Court's house while she was out taking her small group girls home, and I went into the living room and stared at the bowl full of M&Ms. "Just one M&M," I thought. "No one will know!" But it would never be just one, of course; it would be the whole bowl. So I wrenched myself away and went into the kitchen to chop those horrid beets.

And now this morning my coworkers are talking about their V-Day dinners, with steak and salted caramel ice cream and all manner of delicious things. BAH. Evil tempters! At least this morning's juice was awesome — a repeat of Sunday's, with lots of strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. (Why aren't there any called redberries? Shouldn't strawberries just be redberries?) Delicioso.

I think I'm going to start deviating from the menu that Court's prepared; I refuse to drink any more with tomato. I love anything with carrots+apples+spinach, also cucumber, so I'll just try to focus on those. And I guess I'll have to use up the rest of my beets. Maybe 1 beet per meal; no more of this beet-heavy juice.

I want to know what our giant bags of broccoli are going to be for. We only had broccoli in those glutathione ones ... I'd like to use mine before it goes bad.

For any who are worried/have these questions, I asked Court about what kind of nutrients we're taking in. We're probably getting 900-1200 calories a day; juicing does take out most of the fiber, but not all of it (also, great story from NPR about this current obsession with adding fiber to food), and we're getting superdoses of all our vitamins. Spinach, particularly, has a ton of vitamins, plus iron, calcium, etc. Popeye was right!

I hate that I think like this, and I know I'm doing this for me & my body & not for anyone else, but I really wish more people knew what we were doing and were properly impressed. This is hard! Do you know how difficult it was to walk by a box of Valentine's Day cookies in the newsroom yesterday? Peeps better reco'nize.

Anyway. Off to reporting duties.

— molls

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