Sunday, February 12, 2012

Juice Fast Day 1: We're OK! (molly)

Day 1 is over! And I don't think it ended all days, though I guess we'll have to wait for tomorrow to come to know for sure.

Overall, it's not as bad as I thought it would be. I haven't gagged on any of the juices yet, not even the one with asparagus and tomatoes that we had for dinner. The juices leave you feeling full, though it doesn't take too long to get hungry again. I had my lunch one at about 1:30, and by 4 I was hungry enough that I needed to stop & grab my snack one before I went to the Y. But it's not a bad feeling; it's not shaky hungry. I'd actually gotten into such a habit of snacking out of boredom, even when I was full, that I kind of relish feeling that hunger.

Had a bit of a headache this afternoon when I was at the Y, but nothing major. I went and got a giant (delicious) peppermint tea afterward to ward off any dehydration. I am blown away by how just a few days without sugar has erased my headaches. I don't think I even realized how constant that pressure was ... My whole head feels lighter, clearer, like there's more space behind my eyes. And I'm extremely thankful that the first-day detox headache hasn't come.

Hokay - so. Today for breakfast, we had this delicious berry blend:
1 C strawberries, 1 C blueberries, 1 C blackberries, plus another cup of all three mixed together. It was beauuutiful, and kicked off the detox with a heavy dose of antioxidants.

Lunch was a bit tougher at first, but I ended up really liking it: 1 cucumber, 3 carrots, 1 orange, and a cup of spinach. When I grabbed my snack one in the afternoon, I actually found myself saying "Yum" out loud. Weeeeird.

Dinner was the toughest. It was our glutathione boost, and it had 1 C broccoli, 3 stalks asparagus, 1 C spinach and 2 tomatoes. And it was a very nasty brown-green.
I added an extra tomato because it wasn't a lot of juice, and I regret that. I think tomatoes are going to be hardest for me; I'm fine eating them, but the liquid texture just throws me right back to La Tomatina (crazy 40,000-person tomato fight in Spain where total strangers are shoving tomato pulp in your face. Sounds gross, and is, but everyone should do it.)

I seesawed a ton today. I was fine this morning, before I left my house, fine drinking the lunch juice, mostly fine this afternoon at the Y and directly after, but man, every time I had to drive somewhere, I fantasized about running into a gas station and buying candy. "It would be so easy, and Courtney would never know!!" Sheesh, get a grip, Molls, it's only day 1! I'm worried about how it'll be at work tomorrow, but I need to get a lot done, so hopefully my schedule will keep my mind off food.

Debriefed with Court over the phone just a bit ago, which was good. I sure am thankful to know that girl. And thankful to get to see all the lessons beyond food that this crazy endeavor has in store for us.

Man, I cannot get over this lack-of-pain in mah head! It's like I can open my eyes wider, or something. My headaches always seem to be in my eyebrow bone, low down in my forehead. I hope they stay gone.

Pumped for tomorrow's breakfast! Kiwi, blackberry, pear, pineapple, & mint. WHAT.UP.

— molls

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