Friday, February 24, 2012

Day 13: Into the home stretch

Welp, it's been almost two weeks, and I'm feeling good today. Yesterday was a pretty solid day, probably because I stayed fairly busy; was chasing down a story on fetal deaths at work (and I'm excited about that story; looks like Yakima has a higher-than-average rate, and the nurses I talked to were some of my favorite sources ever) and then had the play last night, so that kept my brain occupied for all the hours that I'm normally prone to that downward spiral.

Bummed, though, because I didn't make it to hot yoga this morning! Dangit. For some reason, every time I need to wake up super early, my brain decides to shift into hyperdrive, and won't shut off until the wee hours of the morning. This morning, right as it was shutting off (around midnight) my brother called me from Afghanistan. Which is awesome! I haven't heard from him in a long time, though he's called my parents, so I was really happy to talk to him, but it did throw off my sleep schedule even more. I don't actually recall falling asleep ... I just remember my alarm going off at 4:15 for yoga. I woke up, but somehow turned off my alarm and fell asleep, and didn't wake up til 5:27 ... too late for 5 a.m. yoga. Lame. Probably good, though, because I at least got a couple hours of sleep.

Mark's doing well, by the way, but I feel bad for him; he says it's freezing where they are, and they just have a tent, and they wake up all through the night because they're shivering so hard. Pray for warmth & continued safety ... poor widdle brudda.

But yes — juicing. I'm excited because other people are wanting to get in on the juice thing (Ryan & Emily!!) (also Tyler!) and I hope it works out well for them. Probably no one else will be as bipolar as I have been ... haha. I hope not, at least. I just way underestimated my emotional attachment to food, or how much I use food as comfort. But I feel good, like my body's working the way it should, and I want other people to experience that.

I'm expecting the juice thing to be fairly easy for these last 3-4 days; it's always less hectic over the weekend, since I don't have to prepare everything ahead of time (although I need to avoid last weekend's mistake, and make sure I don't skip a meal or go to the grocery store hungry). Court & I are gonna do yoga tomorrow morning then hang out & make our own peanut or almond butter, so that'll be fun (I want to have it ready for next week, when I plan to snack on celery and apples with peanut butter) and then the last night of the play is tomorrow night. Sunday is the last full day of juicing, and I'll have 5th Act and yoga to take up time, then I'm planning on Monday's dinner being real food.

Hokay, well, off to write about dead babies (not funny) (but hey, in the newspaper business, crudeness is the name of the game).

Three days left!
— molls

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