Thursday, February 16, 2012

Day 5, yup

I'm glad Court's able to keep things positive on here, because right now, this whole thing just seems like one long, uphill trudge, at the end of which I will briefly enjoy the view before gleefully sliding right back down to where I started. And there I will stay.

It's not unbearable, any more than that uphill climb would be. And there's a sense of accomplishment, of doing something good for your body, just like feeling the muscles pump as your legs strain beneath you.

But it's also not comfortable, and it's not easy, and it doesn't take much to think about all the other things you could be doing. Instead of climbing this hill, I could be back on the ground, with all the other normal sane people who have no apparent need to prove anything to themselves.

Hope the view from the top is good.

— molls

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