Sunday, February 26, 2012


TWO WHOLE WEEKS. Can you believe it? I barely can. Two whole weeks without putting any junk in my body. It's hard to fathom ... I keep thinking I must've snuck myself some trashy snacks, and just forgotten about it, or done it without my conscious brain knowing about it ... but nope! Two whole weeks on nothing but pure fruit and vegetable juice.

Well, OK. I chewed two sticks of gum and on Friday put a mint in my mouth for like a minute (because I am perpetually afraid of bad breath). But that's all!! And only 1.5 days left.

I feel another shout-out is owed to Ryan & Emily, because seriously, they make me feel so encouraged & excited about what I'm doing. Y'all have no idea — nothing like showing up in a mopey mood at the theater & being met with your smiling faces. Aw, now the show is done. We'll have to plan smiling-faces reunions somewhere else.

BUT YES. Two weeks. The last couple days have definitely been easier, probably because I know I'm almost done. At the same time, though, I'm kind of dreading going back to real food. It's been very simple, very black-and-white, doing the just-juice thing. Also, since the juice gets absorbed so fast by your body, I've gotten used to feeling nice & trim & not-full in this time. Not in a bad overly-hungry way, just in a, "This is what I need to sustain myself, and I don't need to eat any more" way.

Hhhh let's see. Went to hot yoga yesterday and today at 8 a.m., and since my two-week trial ended today, I signed up for the 6-month unlimited plan. Yikes ... that's a commitment. BUT, it's good flexibility & strength-training for climbing, and hopefully I'll be nice & toned by this summer. Also, I think it's good for me to have to focus that hard. I was talking to Court about this yesterday; I worry a lot, and lately, my mind has just been whirring out of control. It's really challenging to lie in "sa va sana" pose and try to empty my brain.

Yesterday, went to the house where Court's house-sitting and made delicious-looking nut butters:
Maple almond vanilla butter, salted honey cashew butter, and plain ol' peanut butter. (That's the maple-syrup-covered almonds roasting in the photo, plus flax seed to make it creamy.) I think I want a food processor. But duuuude it was torture; they smelled amazing, but she had to try them to make sure I had the flavor & consistency right, since I'm still on the juice. I'm planning on those being my snack/lunch this week, with celery and apples and whatever else.

Also, we started learning this awesome cover of Fleet Foxes' "Tiger Mountain Peasant Song," sung by a sister duo named First Aid Kit (from Sweden; why are all these cool people from Sweden? Tallest Man on Earth is from there, too, and he's my favorite right now). I think we sound pretty good so far, and Court's great on la guitarra. The harmonies are amazing! I'll link it on here when I get back to my own computer. Also I'm going to learn the guitar, too. I don't think it'd be too hard ... just that Fmaj7 that I don't know yet.

Also I need a capo. Details, details.

First meal will be tomorrow night's dinner. I'm going to coworker Savannah's house to watch the musical episode of Buffy (no, I haven't watched Season 5 yet, but oh well) and we shall cook. I think it's gonna be stuffed acorn squash with rosemary, mushroom and cranberry stuffing. One of my healthy favorites. And for a treat (if I have any room for one), I'll try to recreate Court's delicious frozen-banana-peanut-butter ice cream. That's all it is! Frozen bananas and peanut butter, in a food processor. MAGIC. Maybe a little cinnamon, coconut, some vanilla.

Still planning on juice being two of three meals a day this week. The following week, maybe I'll get down to one meal a day; I really like juice as breakfast, but I'm also excited to try out all these fun oatmeal recipes Courtney keeps talking about. (See the Edible Perspective link up top to find those.) We shall see.

Well, I am off to Target to reward myself with some cute summer dress or one of their amazingly neon swimsuits (yes, I know summer is still a good 4 months away. Now hush).

TWO WHOLE WEEKS! I'm feelin good, y'all. I never thought I'd have it in me.

— molls

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