Thursday, February 9, 2012

Pre-Juice Fast: Goals & thoughts (Molly)

Hopefully I'll work it so Court can post on here too, so it's not just my mind running around unchecked.

Goals as we look ahead to this crazy endeavor:

1) Change my appetite: I wasn't kidding when I said I was daydreaming about chocolate chip cookies. I'd like to fix that. There was a quote in one of the blogs I read — "If you want to eat what you want, change what you want to eat," or something like that. I don't think I'll ever turn up my nose in disgust at Reese's peanut butter cups, but I'd like to allow an understanding of what's truly good for my body (and an understanding of what junk food does to me) to shift my cravings toward healthier options.

2) Learn self-control: I'll write more about this later, because it's really been on my heart & mind the past few days, but I want this juice fast to prove to me that self-control is possible. Maybe it'll spread into other aspects of my life.

3) Fill my time better: Especially now that it's cold (and I only turn the heat on in my bedroom), I've spent a lot of time when I come home from work just watching Sons of Anarchy & chowing down on Oreos or chips & salsa or some other unhealthy thing. Instead, I'd like to regularly stretch so I'll be flexible when climbing season comes around, continue practicing the guitar so I can actually play, go to the Y more days out of the week, and go to sleep earlier.

And a couple random thoughts:

a) I really hope this doesn't bring about prolonged diarrhea. I've been reading a lot about juice fasts, and it could definitely happen. Hmm.

b) I'm interested to see what my metabolism does when it's freed up from having to process all the crap I eat. I suspect I must have a pretty good metabolism, because for all the Oreos & chocolate croissants & verde nachos I consume, I should probably weigh like 200 pounds.

Woo! Juice. Yeah.

— molls

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