Monday, February 13, 2012

Juice Fast Day 2: Mid-day happy (molly)

I'm waiting for sources to call me back at work & bored, so here we are. Work isn't bad at all today; not sure if it's just a new week, or the juice, but I feel better about what I'm doing.

Breakfast was DELICIOUS this morning. Holy cow. Holy WOW. I want to drink it every day. About 2 C blackberries, 2 kiwi, half a pineapple, half a pear, and some mint leaves. Drank it on the way out the door at about 8:45 this morning, then was nicely hungry by the time I needed a snack at 11:15. Was definitely ready for lunch at 2, even after drinking a big filling peppermint tea.

Lunch was great too! While "bile booster" sounds gross & like it would be thick and nasty, twas grand. 2 C spinach, 1 green apple, 2 carrots (I think that was the balance.) Apples make everything better. Gotta snack one, too, all ready for a mid-afternoon break at about 4:30.

Not looking forward to dinner; we've gotta do that pukey glutathione tomatoey one again. But that's the last time, Court says. Whew.

The juicing process is kind of exhausting to me, partially because I like things to be very neat and tidy and there's no way to keep raw broccoli from getting little baby broccolis all over the place. And the juicer gets all pulpy and gross, and you have to rinse it out every two juices or sooner. But there aren't any burnt pans to scrub or silverware or anything, so I guess it's still easier.

When I'm drinking these juices, I ask myself a lot, "Am I really getting full from this? Shouldn't I still be hungry?" But then I remember what all I'm actually consuming — a giant cutting-board full of vegetables and fruit — and I realize that yeah, that's filling enough.

Found I'm craving savory foods, not sweets like I thought I would be. Verde nachos, man. If any of you come to Yakima, get verde nachos at Sports Center. Dang, my mouth is watering right now. But overall, temptation's not too bad. Heyyyy I really do have some willpower! That's a fun discovery ... though I suspect it's mostly because I haven't been exposed to food a lot. (Which also speaks to temptation ... why put yourself in a position where you're more likely to succumb? Yep, I'll be bloggin that soon.)

Anyway. Still waiting for phone calls, but that's it for now. Court & I are doing yoga tonight; part of a $20-2-week-unlimited deal that she found. I am not flexible at all, so this'll be interesting.

Peace out!

— molls

1 comment:

  1. I'm following this. Still cannot believe you're doing the juice.
